Autor: lena107

  • Kitchen Stories

    Kitchen Stories

    Kitchen Stories Web Comic for Luv & Lee Magazine Collaboration with Paula Riek @paula.riek

  • Super 8

    Super 8

  • De Ambassade – Verwijder Jezelf

    De Ambassade – Verwijder Jezelf

    Verwijder Jezelf -Music Video Verwijder Jezelf is about the confrontation and the handling of heteronomy. External determination as a contrast to self-determination and as a consequence of constraints, rules from outside and certain framework conditions. TITEL:Verwijder Jezelf – De Ambassade MUSIC:De Ambassade – Verwijder Jezelf SUPERVISED BY:Prof. Henning Rogge-PottFelix Babel A FILM BY:Lena ZieglerRuben JathoMiriam…

  • Sad Face

    Sad Face

    Sad Face Nothing more than a sad face.

  • Raub


    Raub Black-White illustrations and Fram-by-Frame Animations to a poetic text.

  • Diss Dich

    Diss Dich

    Diss Dich Music Video  „DISS DICH“ for a Rapper:Max FE  @maxfe_ Concept, Production & Camera: Lena Ziegler  @lenaziegler.jpg Graphic Design and Animation for Instagram